Cyndie Bowen: Europe in a Box

Editor’s note: Cyndie Bowen is the founder of Europe in a Box, a subscription service that delivers a culinary taste of Europe to your door every month. She’s also the writer behind lifestyle blog, Mademoiselle Slimalicious, where she inspires people to live a healthier and greener life. Part of that blog is a list of 29 things to do before she’s 30, and one of those things is starting an online business. Tick! Subscription boxes are a growing trend in Europe and the USA and, with Cyndie’s expertise in all things European, it was a natural progression. Cyndie has lived in countries all around the world, and wants to bring her passion for European food to the Australian market.

My name is Cyndie, I am 29. Born in Paris to a Spanish father and a French mother, I grew up in the south of France. In 2006, I graduated from a double honours degree in Business and Marketing and moved to London. After working for three years in England, falling for an Australian, and teaching French in Tokyo for seven months, I finally relocated to Sydney in 2009. I work as a project manager by day, run a lifestyle blog by night and I am also the founder and director of start-up Europe in a Box.

My own exploration of the world of food has grown over the years through my experiences of living in five countries (France, Morocco, UK, Japan and Australia) and visiting more than thirty others along the way. Europe in a Box was born from a desire to bring the love of European food to as wide an audience as possible by showcasing the best treats available every month. Years of travelling and writing about food, together with my extensive project management experience, gave me the confidence to proceed with my start-up project. After conducting in-depth market research into the subscription boxes industry in America, Europe and Australia, Europe in a Box was launched on February 6th, 2013. Europe in a Box is Australia’s first monthly subscription box offering an ever changing mix of imported treats delivered to our members’ doorstep each month.

I am only at the start of my entrepreneurship journey and will do whatever it takes to make it a success. My start-up has a multi-cultural dimension and a unique business model that places me in a good position for growth. On the other hand, like many young women, I am facing the challenge of wanting to follow my dreams but also being drawn toward the stability that a corporate career can offer. My mantra is that at the beginning of the day, it’s all about possibilities, at the end of the day, it’s all about results!

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